Spray Film
The FOLIATEC.com Spray FIlm is ideal for car, hobby, home & garden

Spray Film Set
The FOLIATEC.com Spray Film Set is ideal for decorating 4 wheels up to 18 inches

Spray Film Set NEON
The FOLIATEC.com Spray FIlm NEON is ideal for car, hobby, home & garden

Spray Film Sealer, 400 ml
The FOLIATEC.com Spray Film Sealer is ideal for the permanent sealing of Spray Film

Spray Film Remover, 400 ml
The FOLIATEC.com Spray Film Remover is ideal for removing spray film residue and spray film that has been sprayed too thinly

Spray Film, 150ml
The FOLIATEC.com Spray FIlm is ideal for changing the colour of smaller objects

Rim 2C Spray Paint Kit
New rim look with the FOLIATEC.com Rim 2C Spray Paint Kit

Carbody Spray Film Pre-Cleaner, 750 ml
The FOLIATEC.com Carbody Spray Film Pre-Cleaner is ideal for cleaning and removing grease and oily residues

PIN Striping Rim Design
FOLIATEC.com Pin Striping Rim Design for decoration e.g. of rims

PIN Striping Racing
FOLIATEC.com Pin Striping Racing gives a sporty touch in racing-style

Rim Cleaner
FOLIATEC Felgenreiniger: ✓ für alle Arten von Felgen: Alu, Chrom, Stahl & sprühfolierte Felgen ✓ pH-neutral, schonend & effektiv ➤ Hier bestellen!